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Sermon Transcript: 7.30.23 "the Way of Christ and the Will of God"
Worship Preview - "The Way of Christ and the Will of God." New Series 7.30.23
Worship Preview 7.23.23 Walking Together: Celebrating Native American Ministries
Sermon Transcript 7.16.23
Worship Preview July 16th 2023 Home and Following God's Will
July 2 - VBS Celebration Sunday
Worship Preview June 4th, 2023 "The Spirit of Glory is Upon You!"
5.28.23 Sermon Transcript
5.28.23 Worship Preview: Pentecost!
5.21.23 Worship Preview
5.14.23 Sermon Transcript "Equipped for Every Good Work"
5.14.23 Worship Preview
Sermon Transcript 5.7.23 "The Body of Christ"
Worship Preview for 5.7.23 - "The Body of Christ"
Sermon Transcript - 4.30.23 Mary Brooks "Finding Our Sweet Spot"