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Worship Preview for 9.22.24. "The End is Near! And So Is the Beginning!"

First United Methodist Church  for 9.21.24 edition


This Sunday: 10:30am – “The end is near! And so is the Beginning!” Rev. Christopher Eshelman preaching. Scriptures:  Revelation 20:11-22:7, Matthew 25


Last week we focused on the fall of Babylon, relayed in several visions. One involved pouring out of God’s wrath from Seven Bowls, leading to destruction of the sinful earth. Another involved the image of “the great whore” – A woman who is everything the woman depicted in Chapter 12 is not. She is a metaphor for all that is wrong with the world and particularly humanity and our sinful systems of oppression and greed. Even the beast eventually turns on her, and the merchants and kings of the earth are aghast – and still they oppose God.



We looked, Leviticus, and a long section from Romans 1 and 2 to think about how we understand (and fail to comprehend) God. Revelation is about making sure we hear these stories, the fullness of Scripture, and apply it to our daily lives. And we heard Mary’s song, known as the Magnificat, in Luke 1. Mary, who is newly pregnant by the Holy Spirit and in considerable danger from those who would judge her apparent indiscretion according to a harsh legalism, proclaims that God has (note the past tense!) “brought down the powerful from their thrones, and lifted up the lowly; he has filled the hungry with good things, and sent the rich away empty.” God, Mary proclaims, has already accomplished these things, despite Jesus not having even been born yet, let alone gone to the cross or been resurrected, outcomes Mary surely cannot even begin to think about as she greets Elizabeth with joy. The victory is won – and God still awaits our cooperation and participation, following Mary’s example of “let it be we me as you have said.” Yet too often, we seem to think that the way we are called to participate is by enforcing, often with violence of heart and mind, if not physically, our understanding. Nothing in the book of Revelation supports that. We are not called to be part of some “tribulation force” engaged in warfare against “sinners” – we are to recognize that we are sinners, in need of God’s grace, and that our choices matter. Next week we will finish our series by looking at the letters to the 7 churches. What the Spirit is saying to them and to us, often gets lost in the drama, wonder, and violence of the subsequent visions.


This week we will hear the promise. “See, I am making all things new!” The one who rides the white horse, the one who sits on the throne, the one ho is Alpha and Omega, Lion and Lamb, brings about judgment of the nations, of the people, and offers a new heaven and new earth, a river and tree of life, fruit for nourishment and leaves that offer the healing of the nations! It is a magnificent vision of hope, renewal and re-creation. We will compare these final visions with the series of messages Jesus gives his followers in Matthew 25 – parables of being ready, of using our talents for good growth, and, of course, the difference between sheep and goats judged by what has been done for the least of these.


You are invited to join in worship filled with sacred imagination and hopeful assurance, as we gather at 10:30am each Sunday at 301 S National, 10:30am. Blessings on your journey.Upcoming Events: 


Wednesday, September 25th  5:30–6:30pm: Feeding Families in His Name – this free meal is available to everyone without obligation. A “to-go” meal is distributed under the portico at 301 S. National. A reminder: Please do not block nearby driveways while waiting. Thank you. If you would like to support this ministry, you can make donations online at:


Our final Aging Forward “Adventures in Learning” program for 2024 will be Friday Sept. 27th, 1-4pm.  Geared towards retired seniors but open to anyone interested, our free speakers’ series and time for fellowship and conversation will meet for the final time in 2024. We will hear from Cory Demko with an introduction to “SeniorCize” chair exercise. Then Mark McCoy will speak on the Naturalization Ceremony held at the Fort on Sept. 20th and, last but not least, we will learn more about the Fort Scott Genealogy Society and its resources from Ann Rawlins! It will be a great time of fellowship and learning!

This wraps up our 2024 program year – but mark your calendar for the 4th Friday of Oct, Nov, Jan, and Feb for our Fellowship Soup Luncheons (freewill donations requested to support missions and ministries) 11:30-1pm and look for the United Women in Faith potato bar to return in March.Aging Forward begins again in April, 2025! 


Mark Your Calendar! A freewill offering Gospel Concert by Ernie Crouch and Revival will be held at First United Methodist on Saturday, October 26th at 6pm.  Invite a friend!


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