Worship Preview May 15th, 2022
This Weekend: Sunday at 10:30am“Do You Want to Be Healed? … How Love Has Already Won!”Scriptures:Romans 12:9-21 and John 5:1-29.Pastor Christopher Eshelman preaching.
Our call is to be Christlike. Last week we honored Mothers and all who reflect God’s nurturing image, and part of the sermon remembered the names and stories of several dozen Biblical women. Some are stories are of great faith, some of great tragedy and sin. Sometimes we wonder why some of the stories, that seem to have nothing positive to emulate, are found in Scripture. Numbers, 5, Judges 18… these are simply horrific. I said last week one way I understand these terrible stories is that studying them, wrestling with them and praying through my confusionleads me “to resist self-righteousness that harms others. To unmask systems of evil so often called good, to find compassion in my own all too often hardened heart.” It’s an important set of lessons.
This week we are celebrating graduation Sunday. Members and friends of our congregation have completed key milestones in their education - earning their diploma or degree from High School, Trade School, College or Seminary. And they are not done. Our learning to be fully human continues throughout our lifetime. As Christians, especially, we are never done learning and growing. Our call, after all, is not merely to be “Biblical” - because plenty of horrific things are biblical - sometimes even presented as good or as demanded by God! Our call is to be Christlike. A much more challenging call. It involves learning how Jesus uses, and challenge his peers understanding of, Scripture. It involves loving enemies, refusing to be overcome by evil. It involves changing ourselves. It involves being willing to be healed and responding to that healing with a transformed life. Each moment we make choices, each moment we learn lessons. In each moment we are called to do no harm, to do God, and to stay in love with God. Sunday we’ll talk about these things - I hope you’ll join us.
This Week:Wednesday, May 18, 5:30pmFeeding Families in His Name– this weekly free meal is available to everyone without obligation.
Community Office Hoursthis week: Pastor Christopher would love to visit with you, he’ll be changing things up this week and hanging out at Moe’s Bread in their new space on Monday from 9:30-10:30am, and the returning to Hedgehog, Ink from 2-3pm on Thursday. Appointments are available other times - call the churchat (620) 223-1950.
You are invited to continue the journey of faith with us, coming just as you are with your questions, doubts and hopes - and to experience the transformative love and grace of Christ - which makes us whole.First time considering attending? - see our web site for answers to common questions and more information about what to expect at First UMC.www.firstumcfsks.org/newvisitors